Business Performance Dashboard

The Business Performance Dashboard is an internal Pfizer site for the executive leadership team to track performance metrics of Pfizer brands, patient impact, and the product pipeline. This project was unlike most others I have worked on in that the executive team was not available for interviewing and prior to this site all corporate reporting was done in a decentralized manner so I had to design with very little information other than functional requirements. The project was broken into two phases, the first to get a proof a concept approved, and the second to create the site in agile sprints with the development team.

Two early concepts for iPad display of the Business Performance Dashboard.

Two early concepts for iPad display of the Business Performance Dashboard.


Phase 1: Information Gathering and proof of concept

When I started the project I was told the leadership team wanted an iPad solution that followed the patterns of Pfizer dashboards hosted on Sharepoint to reduce the learning curve. I produced several design iterations, including options for a native app, responsive site, and hybrid app. I leveraged both Pfizer and external design systems to create a clean interface that could surface lots of dense content.

Final design for the first implementation, a lean design with the capability to scale without much UX team engagement.


After a business review of the original concepts, it was decided that we would move to a responsive web approach. I had the opportunity to revisit the information architecture as a lot of the original content was cut for the implementation phase, and the outcome was a bright dashboard with clear pictorial affordances. I worked on a scrum team to iterate as the development team built the site, and was able to rapidly respond to changes in scope and technical limitations.